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Others activities

The CRIPA frequently coorganise several scientific meetings. Find out about them below.

6th edition of the International Workshop Streptococcus suis in Cambridge, UK


The 6th International Workshop on Streptococcus suis (IWSs) will take place on September 5-6, 2025 in Cambridge, UK and will be jointly organised with Pembroke College of the University of Cambridge and the Swine and Poultry Infectious Diseases Research Center (CRIPA).

42nd Annual Conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research

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CRIPA is proud to sponsor the Special Symposium Bioaerosols in Agriculture: Sources, Risks and Mitigation at the American Association for Aerosol Research Annual Conference, October 21-26, 2024, at the Albuquerque Convention Center, NM, US.


 Two experts from CRIPA, Caroline Duchaine (Laval University) and Stéphane Godbout (Institute for Research and Development in Agroenvironment) will be the chairs of conference.


 This symposium aims to disseminate current data and knowledge regarding sources of bioaerosols in agriculture, including the livestock industry (e.g. swine, poultry, cattle, dairy), harvesting and activities emerging areas such as insect production.


 The primary objective is to improve our understanding of the human and animal risks associated with these bioaerosols. The symposium will cover a range of topics including air sampling, emissions calculations, mitigation technologies and risk assessment of viruses, bacteria, dust and other biological components. Presentations will share ideas on these topics and may also explore emerging technologies and approaches to mitigate and control bioaerosols.


 Symposium presentations will serve as a bridge between various scientific disciplines, including measurement, engineering, microbiology and aerosol sciences. Scientists from diverse backgrounds and perspectives will come together to stimulate discussions and foster collaborative research. The organizers anticipate the inclusion of a plenary panel for conclusive discussions during the event. 


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Five CRIPA experts were part of the local organizing committee:

Dr. Paul Thomassin, McGill University

Dr. Xin Zhao, McGill University

Dr. Jennifer Ronholm, McGill University

Dr. Sébastien Faucher, McGill University

Dr. Dominic Poulin-Laprade, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


This event took place on May 26-31, 2024 at Hôtel Bonaventure (Montreal).

Colloque scientifique en production porcine et avicole 2024


The Centre de développement du porc du Québec (CDPQ) has joined forces with the Centre de référence en agriculture et agroalimentaire du Québec (CRAAQ) to organize the Colloque scientifique en production porcine et avicole.


This scientific conference was presented in hybrid mode (face-to-face and webcast) on April 9, 2024 at the Hôtel Québec (Quebec).

Symposium sur l'antibiorésistance dans les bioaérosols 2023


SAB IN 2023

The Symposium took place in face-to-face mode at the Institut universitaire de cardiologie et pneumologie de Québec (Laval University), on Wednesday November 1 and Thursday November 2, 2023.


Keynote speaker invited by the CRIPA :

Professor Abia King of the University of KwaZulu-Natalà, South Africa 


Colloque du CRIPA à l'ACFAS



The Symposium took place on the St-Hyacinthe campus at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Room 1134.



Congratulations to the three students who won prizes at the conference on sustainable swine and poultry farming.

Best Lecture Award: Magali-Wen St-Germain, Université Laval

Supervisor: Caroline Duchaine

Best Lecture Award: Marie-Jeanne Pesant, Université de Montréal

Supervisors : Carl A. Gagnon and Francis Beaudry

Best Poster Award: Servane Payen, Université de Montréal

Supervisors : Marcelo Gottschalk, Mariela Segura and Francis Beaudry


5th edition of the International Workshop Streptococcus suis in Thailand

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This event took place on June 4-7, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. It was the 5th International Workshop on Streptococcus suis (IWSs) which was organized jointly with experts from CRIPA and with the 8th International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Diseases (ISERPD).





BiSP - Le congrès de Bactériologie intégrative : Symbiose - Pathogenèse

The Congress of Integrative Bacteriology: Symbiose - Pathogenesis is aimed at all Quebec and French Canadian researchers interested in microbiology. All areas of this discipline are concerned (environmental or clinical, applied or fundamental research), regardless of the bacteria studied or the host it colonizes.


6th BiSP IN 2023

The symposium took place face-to-face on Thursday September 14 and Friday September 15, 2023, at the University of Montreal, Pavillon Roger Gaudry.



The winners of the awards supported by CRIPA at BiSP 2023 are: Camille Ou (1st Oral), Carole Anamalé (1st poster), Florence Deschênes (2nd poster), Magdalena Laekas (3rd poster) and Éléonore Lemieux (4th poster). Congratulations to all!



Networking with Rural Ontario Institute 2021

Meeting on November 17 between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. with the fifteen participants of the Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP) of the Rural Ontario Institute.


After the visit of the CIMIA laboratory with the Professor C. Fernandez Prada and M. Segura, six 5 minutes flash talk presentations from MSc or PhD students, (pig sector and poultry sector) on the progress of their project were presented in English and popularized. Live presentation were held in hybrid mode, on zoom webinar and in auditorium 0448.


 The audience is made up of group formed under the:

« The Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP) is an 18-month experiential executive leadership program for those who want to shape the future of the agriculture and food industry and make a positive difference in rural communities across Ontario. »



Virus de la bronchite infectieuse aviaire


Kelsey O'Dowd

Neda Barjesteh,

Carl A. Gagnon (U. de Montréal)

Charles Dozois (INRS)


Évaluation du pouvoir protecteur des vaccins autogènes contre S. suis chez la truie.


Alison Jeffery

Mariela Segura,

Marcelo Gottschalk (U. de Montréa)


Données de contamination de carcasses à Campylobacter


Sophie Chagneau

Alexandre Thibodeau,

Marie-Lou Gaucher

Neda Barjesteh (U. de Montréal)


Nanoparticules d'argent comme traitement anti-Salmonella multi-résistant.


Satwik Majumder

Saji George,

Jennifer Ronholm (McGill University),

Marie-Odile Benoit-Biancamano (U. de Montréal)


Immunisation de poulet contre Clostridium perfringens.


Sara Heidarpanah

Marie-Lou Gaucher,

Mariela Segura,

Alexandre Thibodeau (U. de Montréal)


Comment les éleveurs de porcs ont réagi face aux pratiques sociosanitaires adoptées en temps de pandémie.


Delia A. Lumperdean

Nancy Beauregard (U. de Montréal),

Caroline Duchaine (U. Laval)

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