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The Swine and Poultry Infectious Diseases Research Centre or CRIPA, is a strategic cluster of the province of Quebec, financed by the « Fonds de recherche du Québec - secteur Nature et technologies ». Funds n°2020-RS4-265142.


Located in the Université de Montréal, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (in St-Hyacinthe), this Centre is under the direction of Professor Mariela Segura, Director of the  Research Group on Infectious Diseases in Production Animals (Groupe de recherche sur les maladies infectieuses en production animale).



  • Antimicrobial resistance and pathogen evolution

  • Sustainable development and social acceptability in addition to this, you need to know more about it



Improve the control of pathogens that affect the pig and poultry industries, having an economic impact and on the health of populations*.


*Populations health includes animal health and welfare, the health of workers and industry stakeholders, and the general public.



Contribute to the reduction of infectious diseases of pigs and poultry, in order to reduce the impact on animal health and human health by promoting animal welfare, product safety, and the quality of life of workers and the Quebec's society. 

High quality meat from healthy animals is essential to sustaining our international markets. In the medium term, we aim to meet the expectations of consumers who are concerned about the use of antimicrobials in animal production, while maintaining public confidence in the wholesomeness and safety of pork and poultry products, including table eggs. In addition, CRIPA member researchers are internationally recognized for their expertise in infectious diseases in poultry and swine, and we plan to position ourselves as a reference platform to help coordinate responses to health emergencies.

Finally, we are committed to increasing the recruitment, training and retention of highly qualified personnel (HQP) in animal health, while contributing to the development of expertise in fields related to the health of agricultural workers.


The CRIPA is proud to be able to count on its executive and management committees made up of representatives with varied backgrounds, at the image of swine and poultry sector.

Scientifique avec microscope


Discover the members of the CRIPA. The importance of their research talent contributes to the fight against swine and poultry infectious diseases.

Laboratoire scientifique
Transport de porcelets à la ferme


See the different research themes through two main axes.

High Fives

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

All the CRIPA members are committed to achieving a culture of inclusion on a daily basis.

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